I Want a Perfect, White Smile and I Want it Now!

Author : Patricia Woloch

In this age of fast food, drive-thru wedding chapels and microwave meals in 90 seconds, it’s no surprise that people want that speed in other areas of their lives. Why not in their orthodontia?

And, thanks to the progressive dental community, you can get a perfect, white smile now! It’s called Instant Orthodontics or a smile makeover and, compared to other treatments such as braces, it is fast.

With braces, you’d have to wait as long as two years while the metal wires on your teeth slowly correct a twisted tooth here, a small gap there. With instant orthodontics, you can have not only a set of straight teeth, but a beautiful white smile, in about two weeks. It’s really simple, too. A wafer-thin shell known as a porcelain veneer is bonded, using dental adhesive, to the front of the each tooth. When finished, you have a smile that is full of straight, shiny white teeth.

Porcelain veneers can be used to cover up a lot that is wrong with your current smile, such as:
· Chipped or broken teeth
· Gaps between teeth
· Stained or discolored teeth
· Fillings that are stained or washed out
· Uneven teeth
· Teeth that are inconsistent in size

Once your dentist determines that porcelain veneers are right for you, an impression of your bite will be taken so the veneers can be made in the correct size and shape for you. Temporary veneers are placed while the permanent set is created. Once they are ready, the dentist will use the dental bonding adhesive to permanently attach the veneers to your existing teeth.

The next step is the big reveal. You get to see yourself, and your beautiful smile, for the first time. There you have it – a perfect, white smile now!

You also get a renewed sense of self-confidence and will find yourself smiling more often. Not a bad side effect, right? See – you’re smiling!

The Fight Against Breast Cancer

Author : Catherine Harvey

Among some of the bigger reasons for a payout from private health insurance companies is for the incidents of breast cancer. Currently, this disease kills 1200 women and 100 men in the UK every year. These figures are too high and scientists are always looking for ways to improve on it. Up to thirty per cent of breast cancers will be of the aggressive type.
Thus comes the latest breakthrough breast cancer drug that shrinks the tumours of women with the most aggressive forms of the disease. A quarter of all the women in the drug trial found that their tumours had shrunk and another quarter had been told that their tumour had had no significant growth.
Herceptin is the normal drug of choice for this type of cancer but this was failing to halt the disease. However, with a mixed treatment of Herceptin and Pertuzumab, this is when the best results were seen.
If a person has a large amount of protein, HER2, on the surface of the tumour the disease will be much more aggressive and non-responsive to chemotherapy. Private health insurance will pay for continued treatment so that is one less worry for the patient but a halting or reducing of the disease is the best thing that could happen.
One patient from Manchester was diagnosed with breast cancer fifteen years ago and underwent a double mastectomy. Despite that, the disease returned and spread to her lungs. She was not expected to live longer than 49 years of age but using the new drug has seen her reach 54 with no worsening of the disease.
Private health insurance will often pay for preventative tests and treatment and it is hoped this drug will be developed for high-risk women who test positive to HER2 protein. It is also hoped that it will eventually do away with the need for chemotherapy - a costly and unpleasant treatment.
Although the treatment with the new drug is not expected to be widely available in the UK for about another five years, there are other things that medics are doing to lessen the destruction caused by breast cancer. Breast screening is hailed as a roaring success in the on-going battle because tumours are being picked up early and successfully treated.
This early detection and treatment means that patients can expect a normal life span. This applies to 61 per cent of those screened so certainly shows that it's worth attending those appointments, however unpleasant you think they might be.
Early detection through screening is also invaluable to those with invasive breast cancer, putting the 15 year survival rate at 86 per cent, which is greatly improved on previous figures. Screening is responsible for finding a third of all breast cancer cases and women aged 50 to 70 are offered three yearly scans. This is set to be extended to cover women between 47 and 73. This means an extra 400,000 women will be helped by 2012.
This year sees the twentieth anniversary of the introduction of breast screening in the UK and has saved thousands of lives through routine checkups. In that time, treatments for breast cancer have also improved and survival rates are expected to see continued growth. It is expected that in the future less and less women will have to suffer the trauma of a mastectomy.
Raloxifene is a drug that is used in the fight against osteoporosis and this has also been found to help prevent breast cancers. For those on this drug the risk of contracting the most common form of breast cancer was more than halved.

How to Make Your Teeth Appear Whiter the Natural Way

White Teeth
White Teeth,
originally uploaded by • Sandra •.

Author: Carol Clifton

When it comes to your teeth appearing white, aging is not your friend.
To prove that point, the next time you go out take a look around and observe that most people have either a grayish cast or a yellow undertone to the color of there teeth. The gray and yellow only intensify in appearance with age and are very unwanted when striving for the end result of a beaming smile. When I was in college my mother told me to wear a blue based pink lipstick because the lipstick color would neutralize the yellow in my teeth thus making them appear whiter.

Try a few of the following tips to achieve whiter teeth in a natural healthy way.fruits-and-veggies.jpg

1. Blend a mixture of Baking soda with a dash of lemon juice and salt as toothpaste. Be careful to use only a small amount of lemon juice due to the acid that can be harmful to the enamel on your teeth. The salt will act as a stain remover on your teeth. Less is more when trying the tip.

2. Eat Strawberries! Did you know that strawberries contain natural bleaching agents? You may want to mash the strawberry and add a small amount to your toothpaste. This genuinely does the trick but you must use caution because strawberries not only contain acid as well as seeds. You may want to consider using a Water Pick after applying this mixture to remove any acid residue as well as imbedded seeds.

3. Celery, Cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, jicama, and raw sweet potatoes should all become part of your daily diet for a variety of reasons including your teeth. These types of highly crunchy vegetables will actually work to dissolve the molecules that will cause deep stains. Umm! Kind of reminds me of a facial exfoiliater only for the teeth.

4. Hydrogen Peroxide is a main ingredient in most teeth whiteners available for over the counter purchase. Use a mouthwash that contains a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.

OH! Yes! Mom's lipstick theory really does work. Try that cooler toned medium Pink if you have a yellow undertone to your teeth.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar - Almanac For Every Mother To Be

Hunter James
Hunter James,
originally uploaded by PregnancyWeekly.

Author: Apurva Shree

A weekly pregnancy calendar is a manual that records the journey of the fetus from conception to birth. It expounds in detail, the pregnancy week by week development that the fetus should achieve in the mother womb. The pregnancy calendar also gives the details about the changes that occur in the mother body and tells how to cope with these changes. This information can help the would-be-mother to ascertain that the fetus is growing in a healthy manner and her pregnancy is safe. Hence, every mother-to-be must possess a pregnancy week by week calendar to keep track of the milestones that the growing fetus achieves every week. Nowadays, there are numerous websites from where you can download these pregnancy calendars for free.

A Look At The Pregnancy Calendar

A weekly pregnancy calendar generally follows a forty week schedule. The calculation of the calendar is very simple. The LMP i.e. the last menstrual period date is the first day of the pregnancy calendar. Forty weeks from the date is the due date. Here, it has to be noted that only in very few cases, the baby is delivered on the due date. Generally any day after the 37th week is safe, because the baby would have attained full development by the 37th week.

A pregnancy calendar generally makes the following information available.

1. The growth and development that the fetus must achieve in each week of pregnancy,
2. The physical and the emotional changes that the mother-to-be undergoes and coping with these changes,
3. Nutritional requirements and exercises for a health pregnancy,
4. The do and do not during the nine months.

In a nutshell, a weekly pregnancy calendar is an excellent reference guide for every anxious would-be mother. It helps her to understand every change and emotion that she would be undergoing through the forty weeks of the pregnancy wheel. It helps her to keep track of what is going on in her womb every minute. The calendar helps in alleviating her anxiety and comforts her.

Maintaining Your Own Weekly Pregnancy Calendar

You can also make your own pregnancy calendar. It is very simple. Once you know your LMP and due date, you can yourself start maintaining the physical and emotional changes that you undergo on a weekly basis. You can compare this with any standard pregnancy calendar to assure yourself that everything is well.

Advantages Of Maintaining Your Own Pregnancy Calendar
In addition to the above mentioned benefits, maintaining your own weekly pregnancy calendar has some apparent advantages.
1. You can use the calendar as a jotting notepad to record your queries, doubts and apprehensions. This will be useful in future appointments with your doctor.
2. The pregnancy calendar is particularly useful in the third trimester of pregnancy (week 26 to week 40). In this final trimester, there are many changes happening in the mother body. The would-be mother will then find the pregnancy calendar handy. With the help of a good calendar, she can identify if her contraction are true or false and if there is a need to consult the doctor.
3. A religiously written pregnancy calendar will be very useful for the doctor in case any emergency arises in the course of delivery.
4. You can use your weekly pregnancy calendar to understand your future pregnancies better.

Nutrition Vs. Diet: are You Getting the Nutrients Your Body Needs?

originally uploaded by shadphotos.

Author: Healing Headquarters LLC

Today we hear the word diet much more than we hear the word nutrition. There are so many diets on the market that it’s easy to get lost in the fad and forget what nutrition truly is. There is the Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, Weight Watchers and many others, from Slim Fast to the various one-food diets, such as the cabbage soup diet or the grapefruit diet. Society has become fixated on the ‘diet’, instead of quality nutrition. Unfortunately, this fixation isn’t working. America is the fattest nation in the world, with high rates of diabetes, heart disease and other life threatening illnesses. While diets are becoming more popular, nutrition is suffering.

What is a diet?

While many people think a diet is a set of rules you follow to try to lose weight, your diet is actually the food that you eat to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. While an average American diet consists of large quantities of processed sugar, white flour, meat and fast foods, a healthy diet is one that supplies the body with vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and enzymes. These nutritional building blocks affect your energy levels, your quality of life, and have a direct affect on your mood, memory, eyesight, body functions and lifespan. Without a healthy diet that supplies the body with much needed nutrients, you are more susceptible to colds, infections, and illnesses. Your diet, in other words your nutrition, is what sustains your life.

Nutritional Labels

There is much confusion surrounding nutritional labels. Most people look strictly toward the top for calories, fat grams and serving size information. The truth is that nutritional labels offer a look at the nutrients in one’s food, such as vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and folic acid. This information, although lower down on the nutritional label, is very important information if you are seeking to supply your body with nutrients, as opposed to empty calories.

The most important aspect of a nutritional label, although almost completely overlooked, is the actual ingredients within your food. While it may be easier to check to see how many calories and fat grams a certain food product has in each serving, when it comes to healthy nutrition the most important ingredient is what you are actually ingesting. It may have only 220 calories, but where are those calories coming from? Are you ingesting mostly corn syrup and sodium phosphate, or high amounts of preservatives, such as sorbic acid and sulfur dioxide? The ingredients in your food are the tell-tale clues to how much nutrition you are actually taking in. If your food is strictly cheese and flour, as opposed to nutrient providing vegetables and vitamins, it doesn’t really matter if the calories are low.

A Nutritional Diet

Nutrition comes from vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Food sources that are rich with nutrients are whole, living foods that are supplied from the earth. Dark leafy greens offer more calcium than milk, while beans and grains offer high amounts of iron. It is easy to turn your focus from diet to nutrition. And when you do, you might find yourself eating a diet that is rich in nutrients and optimal for losing weight.

Fad Diets, Bad Idea

Healthy Fruits & Vegetables
Healthy Fruits & Vegetables,
originally uploaded by khancafee.

Author: John Spencer Ellis

It seems almost as if there is a new fad diet every week. Many of these contain elements of truth, but on the whole they contain much more good marketing than good science.

There is the 3-day diet, which touts eating little more than fruits for three days, followed by vegetables or meat or grains the other days. There are lots of variations.

While it's certainly true that eating fruit regularly is a key element to good health - most contain needed carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber - eating almost exclusively fruit for three days leads to imbalance - in carbohydrates, fiber and additional otherwise healthy components. To an extent the body will equalize and store what it needs for later, but there are limits.

Similarly, the 'low carb, high protein' diets, such as Atkins, recommend cutting way down on carbohydrates and eating substantial amounts of food high in protein. Here again protein is vital to proper nutrition, but so are carbohydrates. Putting too much emphasis on the first over the second leads to rapid, temporary weight loss, but at a high cost.

Carbohydrates are essential for supplying energy for all biochemical processes. Though the body, when needed, will use other sources, such as fat and protein. Too great an emphasis on protein reduces the ability of the body to store and regulate the appropriate amount of water, whereas carbohydrates help that.

There are very attractive sounding 'chocolate diets'. Nearly everyone loves chocolate and, contrary to some reports of a few years ago, it is healthy - in moderation. Chocolate contains anti-oxidants and other compounds that are helpful. But, as with anything, too much of a good thing is just that - too much. Also, since many will seek chocolate in forms that come with high fat, high sugar amounts it's possible to get some not-so-helpful elements along with the good.

There are ultra-low fat diets. Once again, the problem isn't with reduced fat, but going to extremes. A certain amount of fat in the diet is a healthy thing.

Any diet which makes promises of radical, rapid or quick weight loss - or any other extreme claim - is almost guaranteed to be more harmful than helpful. The human body has evolved over millions of years and decades of good nutritional research still confirms the common sense truth: balance is good, moderation is healthy.

Eat moderate portions at regular intervals of fruits and vegetables (for vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber), grains (for carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber), protein (for amino acids) and dairy products (for calcium, unless you're lactose intolerant). For the average person, between 2000-2500 calories per day is appropriate. Less for women, on average, and for those seeking rapid weight loss.

A balanced diet, coupled with age-appropriate, moderate and regular exercise, will lead to a healthy percentage of body fat, good muscle tone and a well-tuned system. You'll find you feel better and look good.

Information About Various Types of Cancer

Author: Peter sams
The organs and tissues of the body are made up of tiny building blocks called cells. Cancer is a disease of these cells. Cells in different parts of the body may look and work differently but most reproduce themselves in the same way.
Cells are constantly becoming old and dying, and new cells are produced to replace them. Normally, cells divide in an orderly and controlled manner. If for some reason the process gets out of control, the cells carry on dividing, developing into a lump which is called a tumour.
Cancer is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.
Brain Cancer
A brain tumor is a group or clump of abnormally growing cells that can be found in or on thebrain. They're rare in kids Brain tumors can either start in the brain or spread there from another part of the body - some cancers that start in other parts of the body may have cells that travel to the brain and start growing there.
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. It is a leading cause of cancer death in men and women in the United States. Cigarette smoking causes most lung cancers. The more cigarettes you smoke per day and the earlier you started smoking, the greater your risk of lung cancer. High levels of pollution, radiation and asbestos exposure may also increase risk. Cancer that forms in tissues of the lung, usually in the cells lining air passages. The two main types are small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.
It usually spreads to different parts of the body more slowly than small cell lung cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma are three types of non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer also called oat cell cancer, accounts for about 20% of all lung cancer.
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. The two most common types are basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer. They usually form on the head, face, neck, hands and arms. Another type of skin cancer, melanoma, is more dangerous but less common. Skin cancers are the fastest growing type of cancer in the United States. Skin cancer represents the most commonly diagnosed malignancy, surpassing lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancer. Cancer that forms in tissues of the skin. There are several types of skin cancer. Skin cancer that forms in melanocytes (skin cells that make pigment) is called melanoma. Skin cancer that forms in basal cells (small, round cells in the base of the outer layer of skin) is called basal cell carcinoma
Ear Cancer
Cancer of the outer ear occurs chiefly in instances where the outer ear has been exposed for many years to direct sunlight. A small and at first painless ulcer, with a dry scab covering it, that slowly enlarges and deepens may be a skin cancer. It is diagnosed by removing a small bit of tissue from the edge and examining it under a microscope.
Head And Neck Cancer
Tobacco is the most preventable cause of these deaths a lump in the neck Cancers that begin in the head or neck usually spread to lymph nodes in the neck before they spread elsewhere. A lump in the neck that lasts more than two weeks should be seen by a physician as soon as possible. Of course, not all lumps are cancer. But a lump (or lumps) in the neck can be the first sign of cancer of the mouth, throat, voice box (larynx), thyroid gland, or of certain lymphomas or blood cancers. Such lumps are generally painless and continue to enlarge steadily.

Genetic Causes of Autism-what Causes Autism?

Author: Sylvia R Rolfe

What are the genetic causes of autism? In truth, no one really knows. Due to the fact that autism is a spectrum disorder the causes can vary from person to person and case to case. Most experts agree though to some extent that autism is genetically linked, for in families with one autistic child, the risks of another being born increase with each case of autism in the family, especially in regards to males.
Even experts do not have all the answers. A positive though is with more cases of autism occurring every year research funding and grants for the purpose of understanding and possibly preventing or curing autism are on the rise. Causes are questionable and raise many a debate, everything from vaccines to being hereditary and everything in between.
In either regard, no one questions the likelihood of autism being genetic. Despite the fact that the human genome has now been mapped, we are still very unsure of the true nature of genes and how they work and affect our outcome. Researchers have shown though that autism does carry a tendency to run in families. Parents who have an autistic child are more likely to have another one and twins with autism tend to share autistic traits amongst them.
Though we know of the genetic link, it doesn't mean that one gene is responsible for autism. Since it is a spectrum disorder it is quite likely that multiple genes may play a factor in the final outcome and depending on the mutation or absence of the gene or combination of genes a specific form of autism is present. Just like autism has many faces, in all probability, so too will the genes that cause it. So when will we have conclusive causes to the genetic causes of autism? Perhaps never. It is better to think of autism in terms of symptoms, depending on the symptom present the cause may be different. This is why the symbol for autism is a puzzle piece. Autism is a very puzzling disorder, which can overlap other disorders, and have different levels of affect on a persons ability to function.
Genetic causes of autism are undeniable; but just like any genetic related disorder, because we know so little about the true nature of genes we do not truly know the true nature or cause of autism. All we can currently do is support those who have autism and continue to raise awareness and funding towards the research and perhaps potential cure and prevention of autism.

Identifications of Autism

Author: Groshan Fabiola

To children with autism difficulties or delays appear.These are reported by parents before the child is two years of age. If the child is not four years of age or older the diagnosis cannot be made. The improvement outcome for children with autism is the placement in early intervention programmes before four years of age. If the diagnosis of autism is made after four years of age those children may be missing the opportunity for early intervention.
The early characterizes of autism in infants and preschool children are described by recently studies. These studies are based on the parents interview for establish the initially problems which cause them the concern, and by the observation of children in controlled play and assessment situations.
To children with autism appear early features in social life like: poor social interaction, lack of interest in other children, lack of seeking to share own enjoyment, failure to develop peer relations and to join in activities of others and to direct adult's attention to own activity, does not show affection, seek or offer comfort, dislikes social touch and being held, lack of social responsiveness, ignores people, lack of social play, being in own world, prefers being alone, indifferent with others, no social smile, lack of eye contact, of gesture or of facial expression, no greeting behaviors.
The children with autism have problem with communication like: lack of verbal communication, no social chat, lack or limited range of facial expression, loss of previously acquired words, problems with language comprehension, does not express emotion, poor imitation, use of other's body as a tool, lack of infant babble, echolalia, no gaze monitoring, no pointing to express interest, no use or understanding of gestures. In the emergence of autism appear the following symptoms: stereotyped and repetitive routines, behaviors, interests; verbal rituals, hand and finger mannerisms, unusual preoccupations, unusual attachment to objects; play and sensory, lack of spontaneous play, lack of imitative play, no pretend play, sensitivity to noise, insensitivity to pain/cold.
Others symptoms are unusual sensory interests, deafness suspected, mouthing of objects, unusual looking at objects, distractibility, behavioral variability, sleep problems, self-injury, food fads, unusual fears, lack of curiosity, lack of response to name; running away, overly quiet, indifferent to animals, having an intelligent looking face. In young children with developmental delay some of the features listed above are also present. Studies that have compared the behavior of young children with autism with those who have developmental delay without autism provide the best information on the features and symptoms of autism in infants and preschool children. In very young children the absence of stereotyped and repetitive behavior does exclude the possibility of autism.
The obsessional behavior may be dependent upon more advanced language and cognitive skills and emerge later as the child makes developmental gains. In the first two years of life in young children with autism differences between speech delay and developmental delay may occur. Delayed speech is often reported by parents of young children with autism. Speech delay is not specific to autism because delayed speech is also present in young children with global developmental delay caused by intellectual disability and those with severe to profound hearing loss. The children with speech delay or hearing loss compensate for their lack of speech by the use of non-verbal communication skills such as using gestures, eye contact and facial expression to get their message across.
The children with autism can also respond to praise, can empathize, imitate engage in make believe play. The child with autism continues to have ongoing problems with delayed and disorder language, social and communication skills, empathy and pretend play skills regardless of developmental level. Sameness, distress over change in routines, adherence to rituals and routines, abnormal comfort seeking and unusual attachment to objects that are present in child with autism. Other problems present in older children are impaired conversational skills and problems with speech production. Standard diagnostic criteria should be modified from children under two to take into account the presentation of autism in infants and preschoolers. The access to early intervention programs may be useful in an early identification of autism.
In cases of children with autism the following aspects must be regarded: lack of social smile, lack of appropriate facial expression, poor attention, aversion to being touched, not responsive to name, unusual looking of objects, ignoring people, preference for aloneness, lack of or impaired eye contact, lack of gesture, lack of emotional expression and lack of age appropriately with toys.
Children with autism should not be avoided by the others and they must be treated like normal people.
More informations about autism causes or about autism symptoms can be found by visiting http://www.autism-info-center.com/

Carbohydrates, The Good and The Bad

By: Michelle Lacroix-toro Email Article

Carbohydrates have been put into the spotlight ever since diets like the Atkin’s Diet and the South Beach Diet have recommended cutting carbohydrates out of your meals as much as possible. However, before you make any drastic decisions about what foods to include and not include, it is crucial to learn about carbohydrates and what they do for your body.

In short, carbohydrates can be good or bad for your body. It is necessary to eat enough good carbohydrates, because that is how our body has enough energy for low-intensity activities during the day. Carbohydrates are found in breads and grains, but actually they are also found in a number of other foods as well, such as fruits and vegetables. When keeping an eye on your intake of carbohydrates it is important to distinguish the good from the bad.

All carbohydrates are basically sugars. Complex carbohydrates are the good carbohydrates for your body. These strings of sugar are very difficult to break down and trap nutrients like vitamins and minerals in the sugar strings. As they slowly break down, the other nutrients are also released into your body, and you are provided with fuel for a number of hours.

Bad carbohydrates, on the other hand, are simple sugars. Because their structure is not complex, it is easy to break down and holds little nutrients for your body other than the sugars from which it is made. Your body breaks down these carbohydrates rather quickly and what it cannot use is converted to fat and stored in the body. Staying away from simple carbohydrates is what most diets recommend, since they have little nutritional value when compared to complex carbohydrates.

More importantly than how carbohydrates work in the body and the difference between good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates is how you can actually eat these carbohydrates! First, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods include carbohydrates, but also a variety of other nutrients needed by your body. Another great tip is to cut the white bread and bread products out of your diet and replace them with whole wheat or 12-grain breads instead. Look at the packaging. Foods rich in fiber are probably a source of good carbohydrates.

Learning the difference between good and bad carbohydrates is very important if you wish to have a healthy diet. It is not good for your body to cut out carbohydrates completely—in fact, that is very difficult to do unless you only eat meat! Eating a healthy and balanced diet means including good carbohydrates into your meals.

Michelle Lacroix-Toro resides in Southern Florida with her husband and children. She can be reached at mgabalot@peoplepc.com and her website addresses are www.MicMorEnterprises.com and www.MicSanMoneyMaker.com

10 Tips For Successful Weight Loss

Morning Jog at Broadbeach
Morning Jog at Broadbeach,
originally uploaded by autumn_leaf.

By: Gary Grewal Email Article

Losing weight is not a very difficult job. You can find hundreds of people out there who have successfully lost weight and have maintained it to date. Even you can do this, you need to know what they did and follow it with consistency. Following are some tips that you can use to lose weight.

1. Make exercises like swimming, cycling, jogging or walking as part of your life. Follow it every day and make sure that you spend some time on it. Make it a part of your life and no matter what happens you should not skip it.

2. If you get bored of doing exercises alone then find a friend to accompany you. Try to go in a park for walk or try the outdoors. If this doesn’t help then try different exercises on different days, this will keep you busy and you won’t get bored.

3. Try to avoid smoking as much as possible. Chances are that if you smoke you won’t lose weight and if you do lose weight you will not be able to maintain it.

4. Get up early and do your exercises in morning.

5. Don’t weigh yourself every day; this will put you in a doubt. Weight loss does not happen in a day or two. It requires a couple of weeks.

6. Keep a strong focus and be determinant in losing weight. The more willing you are the more interest you will take in losing weight. Don’t give up at all; it takes time so you need to have patience.

7. Don’t try to look for shortcuts; you will see a lot of ads on TV claiming to lose weight. Don’t fall for them always stick to a good and healthy plan. Ask people to give you honest suggestions about the schedule that is effective.

8. Have faith in your body and use healthier food. Don’t go for any un-natural steroids or other nutrition’s. Eat healthy food and take fewer amounts of sugar and fat.

9. Avoid junk food as much as possible and cook your own food. Use healthy vegetables and meat, this way you know what you are eating.

10. Build your body muscle and maintain it, weigh your body once a week and it will give you a good idea about the amount of weight you are losing. Even if you are not losing any don’t get frustrated, give it more time and then look for results.

Another thing to remember is that weight loss is a tricky business and it can take well over a month to be effective. There can be times in which a particular exercise shows result for one person but for others. It’s not working. Don’t get panic in this situation as every person has a different body structure and it can take different amount of time for people. Keep yourself focus, maintain your schedule and follow it with consistency. Try not to skip your work out sessions.

Gary Grewal is the founder of 101weightloss.com; a site featuring many articles on weight loss diets, pills, eating right, exercises etc. Visit his site for many more healthy weight loss tips.

Cancer Awareness

I ate the whole thing

By: Paul Phillips

Diet is a very, very important factor when it comes to the subject of cancer awareness and prevention. Cancer can manifest (or not) as a result of what you have been putting on your plate day in day out: To be cancer-free it is vital to avoid certain foods. Naturally, diet becomes more critical for cancer sufferers.

Here are some examples of a cancer causing diet. So it is necessary to avoid the following.

1.Dairy Products:

Insulin growth factor (IGF) in dairy such as cow's milk is known to lead to breast & prostate cancer. Other sources of calcium can be found in things like greens and a supply of good rice milk. The immune system can also be compromised thought dairy products.

2. Animal protein. E.g. meat:

A peri-cellular coating or outer layer protects cancer cells. The enzymes called trypsin and chymotrypsin produced from the pancreas break down this outer layer. The cancer cells can then be destroyed. However, when meat is eaten, the pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas are more involved in the digestion of meat instead of breaking down the cancer cell's outer protective layer. Couple this with the fact that a lot of meat, particularly that of the processed sort, has much chemical toxicity, this renders an individual more susceptible to cancer.

3. Processed & fried foods:

Have many chemicals, flavour enhancers, preservatives...The food have been denatured & therefore has poor much of its nutritional value. These foods have been known to cause DNA injury, leading to cancer illness.

4. Refined sugar / Artificial sweeteners. E.g. Nutrasweet and aspartame.

Promotes the cancer processes of uncontrolled rapid cell division. Sugar can lead to cancer of the ovaries, breast, prostate & rectum. Can severely reduce the biochemical formation of vitamin B complexes. Also is capable of interfering with the pancreatic production of trypsin and chymotrypsin enzymes. All if taken on the long term & in large amounts can greatly increase the likelihood of cancer happening.

5. Cafeinated drinks and alcohol:

Take it easy on stimulants like tea and alcohol. However, green tea is very good.

6. Unclean tap water and toothpaste with fluoride. Toiletries with toxic chemicals like sodium laurethsulphate should also be avoided at all costs:

Chloride, fluoride, toiletries and other chemicals in tap water are metabolic poisons.

Active / passive smoking:

At risk of lung cancer...

Remember, the above lists are not an exhaustive account of what shouldn't be eaten. There are many excellent sources of info. on cancer awareness and prevention

Benefits of Honey

originally uploaded by chrissie2003.

By: Ruth Tan

Many people often ask "Why is honey good for you?", "Is this sweetener really more superior than table sugar?". The answer is a clear "Yes!"

1) It is nutritious for you!: A much healthier choice than over-processed, factory-made table sugar table sugar and artificial sweeteners which do not have any vitamins or whatsoever nutrients, this natural liquid from the honey bees contains many vitamins like B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and certain amino acids and minerals including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.

2) It is a healthy food choice!: Honey has a healthy Glycemic Index (GI) , meaning that its sugars can be gradually absorbed into the bloodstream to result in better digestion. Eating excessive high-glycemic foods prompts an elevated insulin release in our body as a result of the pancreas being stimulated to metabolize the sudden surge of glucose into the blood.

3) It builds your immunity against sicknesses!: Honey contains natural antioxidant properties that can destroy biologically destructive chemical agents which have been linked to many diseases such as cancer. Not only can honey's antioxidants help to reduce free radicals in the body, they also provide nutrients for the development of new tissue. Because of this, for centuries, honey has been used all over the world in different cultures as a natural cure for many ailments, and traditionally as an effective home remedy, for instance the honey and apple cider vinegar tonic which is used for treating arthritis and bad breath.

4) It energizes you!: This perhaps is the most common reply kids get from their parents when they ask "why is honey good for you?" An excellent natural supply of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy for our bodies, honey is popularly used for its effectiveness in quickly boosting the performance, endurance and relieve muscle fatigue of athletes. Its natural fruit sugars, fructose and glucose plays an important role in preventing fatigue during exercise and are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream digested by the body. Also, honey is free of cholesterol and it has been reported that adding small amounts of it in the daily diet could even help keep cholesterol levels in check.

5) It beautifies you!: This anti-aging benefit of honey is probably the best reply to "Why is honey good for you?" There exist a huge number of honey products in the market for hair care, baby care, skin care for sunscreen, hand lotions, facial scrubs and moisturizers. Honey's hygroscopic properties also renders it a great cosmetic ingredient as it keeps skin hydrated and fresh and prevents drying. Its natural antioxidant and anti-microbial properties also support the skin's ability to rejuvenate and refresh depleted skin, leaving it feeling silky soft and supple.

Copyright (c) 2008 Ruth Tan
Ruth Tan is the owner of the website Benefits of Honey at http://www.benefits-of-honey.com which is a rich honey resource packed with a wide range of quality contents on honey and health-related issues.

Pre-Natal Vitamins : What They Do For New Moms

Pregnancy Portraiture
Pregnancy Portraiture,
originally uploaded by typealice.

By: Tc Yeap

Pre-natal vitamins are very important for mothers and their babies. These vitamins are specially formulated multivitamins that help to make up for any deficiencies that the mother may be lacking her diet. While the supplements contain many vitamins and minerals, the most important components of pre-natal vitamins including folic acid, calcium and iron. All of which are very important for the healthy development of a baby.

Pregnant women need a substantial amount of folic acid in their diets. Folic acid helps to reduce the risk of birth defects in the baby, particularly in the brain and spinal cord. A baby that is born with spina bifida most likely lacked in the folic acid they needed while developing. In spina bifida, the baby is born with nerve damage because the spine is not closed. This can cause a number of issues from nerve damage and paralysis to mental retardation.

These types of defects often occur within the first 28 days after conception. Unfortunately, this is before many women even realize that they are pregnant. Because of this and because half of pregnancies are unplanned, it is recommended that all women old enough to have children take 400 micrograms of folic acid on a daily basis. The FDA also requires that certain food items be fortified with folic acid to help women get the necessary amounts of folic acid that they require through their diets. All foods that are made of flour, such as bagels and breads, these are fortified with folic acid.

In addition to these fortified foods, women can get folic acid from the following sources:

* Green Leafy Vegetables

* Nuts

* Beans

* Citrus Fruits

Calcium is also particularly important in women and a pre-natal vitamin can assist her in getting the recommended amounts of calcium she needs. Women who receive ample amounts of calcium in their diet are able to prevent their own bone loss while the body builds bones for the baby.

Iron helps both the mother and the baby's blood carry enough oxygen for proper function.

It is important to realize that not all pre-natal vitamins are built the same. A woman's doctor is able to advise her on the brands that are best suitable for her.

TC Yeap is the CEO of Singaporean company Sainhall Nutrihealth . Founded in 1990, Sainhall Nutrihealth is a leading distributor for health products in South East Asia.

How Healthy Are You

tai chi in beijing parc
tai chi in beijing parc,
originally uploaded by sjeele.

By: John Callaghan


It seems to me that most individuals are preoccupied with ill health rather than with well being, it appears that our predilection is towards ill health rather than towards health.

Practitioners of Tai Chi Qigong however put their emphasis upon taking responsibility for our health and understanding what well-being means, this means being aware of what good health consist of.

At the foundation level lifestyles that lead to good health include eating organic whole food in season, exercise, adequate sleep, healthy environment, and adequate intake of water, but there is much more to well-being than this.

So what are the signs of good health, to the harmony of body, mind and spirit?


a. A continued feeling of well being, from rising in the morning to retiring in the evening;

b. How quick is your recovery rate, how adaptable are you to change? The quicker you recover the healthier you are;

c. Are feelings of lethargy a distant memory, if they are then you are healthy;

d. Are all our joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments supple and flexible, free from pain, if so then you are healthy;

e. Can you walk, run, sustain some physical exercise for a while for a while, without being out of breath, then you are in good health;

f. Is the flesh on your skin firm, free of wrinkles, healthy tissue is firm tissue;

g. Does your sense of sight, smell, hearing remain acute, then you are healthy;

h. When you retire do you go to sleep when your head touches the pillow, to relax and fall asleep is a sign of good health;


a. Once more the recovery rate is important, if you are injured emotionally how quickly you return to an optimistic outlook reflects your emotional health;

b. How quickly can you forgive yourself, a healthy individual learns from their mistakes, and moves on;

c. How able are you to socialize, and accepting of those with whom you come into contact, without judging, the less you judge the more emotionally balanced you are;

d. Are you able to commit to the things that you consider to be important in your life, commitment without obsession is a sign of good mental health;

e. How happy are you with the idea of the security of insecurity, the ability to embrace life from moment to moment is an indication of good emotional well being;

f. Do you express your joy and delight with life on a daily basis, can you express your frustration and anger in a positive manner that supports your ability to be tolerant of all;

g. Can you laugh and smile freely, for this is a sign of the love of life;

h. Are you happy? For happiness is the definition of radiant well being;

i. Are you accepting of yourself, with all your strengths and weaknesses? Good mental health is found in the person who accepts their truth, being highly critical of oneself or others is indicative of conflict within ourselves;

How healthy are you?

Where do you stand in the well being stakes?

Healthy individuals have the capacity to rise above their own self-importance and become filled with love and compassion towards all creation.