How To Gain Weight And Build Muscle Mass Fast

Aishwarya Rai, originally uploaded by x_bollywood_freak_x3.

By : Jeff Foster

Millions of people struggle to gain weight and build muscle. Underweight issues are a real concern for a large part of the population. Everybody wants the perfect body and muscle tone although some have an extremely difficult time gaining or even maintaining body weight. The challenge of adding muscle can be overwhelming and confusing. There are any number of fitness magazines claiming to have found the quickest, easiest way to pack on muscle. Don't fall for it! If it were this easy, millions of people would have already reached their goal and there would be bodybuilders on every street corner.

If you are serious about weight training and building muscle, the best way to gain weight fast is to: 1) Learn the proper diet and exercise methods needed to force your body to add muscle.
2) Formulate a plan that fits in with your lifestyle and goals 3) Follow your plan consistently until you reach your goal. Whether you have an extremely fast metabolism or are simply unable to eat enough calories to gain weight, determination and persistence will lead you down the path to new muscle tissue and an increase in body weight. Even if you have always been skinny, gaining weight is not impossible if you follow your weight gain plan to the letter and have a little patience. EAT MORE If you want to gain weight, you must consume substantially more calories than your body burns. You will need to eat large amounts of protein and increase your food intake each and every day. If you are too skinny, start by eating several meals each day consisting of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in larger quantities than you normally eat. This is very difficult for some people, so dividing your food intake into 6 meals per day instead of 3 very large ones may make it easier for you to consume the necessary calories.

START LIFTING WEIGHTS Exercise is crucial if you want to add muscle as well as body weight. The body needs stimulation in order to build muscle. A weight training routine done several times per week will stimulate your body to respond by adding new muscle tissue. You sholud also be sure to get plenty of rest. Adequate rest after a workout will give your body time to recuperate and build new muscle. If you train too often, or do not get enough rest between workouts, you can actually hinder results due to over-training. Over training and improper food consumption are the major reasons most people never reach their goals. Motivation and the right information can help you succeed in gaining weight and building muscle.

Of course, these are general suggestions and will need to be adapted to meet your personal goals. If you are more advanced in your weight training you can tweak and change your workout routine to get the optimal results for your body type.

About The Author-- Michael is a former "skinny guy" who managed to pack on over 20 lbs of muscle. He attributes most of his success to the information about how to gain weight he learned from fastmusclegain

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