Celebrity Diet Information

Amanda Seyfried
Originally uploaded by Veronica_Mars_90210
By : Abraham Galvin

Celebrities and diets are a perennial hot topic. Celebrity diet is used to refer to a diet that is supposedly used by or is highly recommended by hollywood stars, singers, or other celebrities. Much of the magazine industry thrives on speculating as to who is eating what. There are many variations of these celebrity diets, but the one thing they have in common is the promise to lose weight fast. Celebrity diets usually involve meals high in protein. Joan Lunden only eats fresh fruit. Jennifer Aniston loosely follows the Zone diet but says it’s essential to cheat every now and then. Diane Sawyer does the Cabbage Soup Diet.

Heather Locklear likes McDonald's and French fries. Jennifer Lopez eats eight mini-meals. Mandy Moore only uses coleslaw instead of mayonnaise and cheese on sandwiches. Claudia Schiffer drink sips green tea. Hollywood Celebrity Patricia Heaton eats lots of dairy. Melanie Griffith drinks smoothies. Demi Moore hollywood star drinks only herbal tea to curb her appetite. Demi Moore eats lots of protein. Nia Peeples shuns protein. Kelly Preston eats oatmeal and bagels. Tori Spelling loves the taste, diversity, and convenience of this diet plan and is now the celebrity spokesmodel for The Nutrasystem Diet.

Julia Roberts eats on blue plates when at home because that color is thought to be less stimulating to the appetite. Jennifer Hudson credits tons of cranberry fruit juice, along with a down-fat, great-protein diet, with assisting her lose 25 pounds. Alicia Silverstone restricts snacking because she trained one of her dogs to bark whenever she goes into the kitchen. Heidi Klum eats a salad with vinegar on it before going out to dinner because vinegar is known to restrain the appetite. Kristen Davis makes her walks more effective by wearing a WalkVest, which allows users to insert weights to make their workouts more fierce

Elle MacPherson eats cellulite-free thanks to foods high in lecithin like soy, peanut butter and egg yolks. Celebrity and hollywood star claudia schiffer has a light dinner of salad and steamed vegetables. Other diet of claudia snacks on tomato juice, black grapes and herbal tea. Celebrity janet's excitic weight loss in 2006 captured the excite of the world. Janet Jackson drinks 2-3 custom-tailored liquid meals each day, including all the nutrients she wants. As her diet progressed, she introduced vegetables, berries and frozen fruit. These "celebrity diets" tend to leave you weak and fatigued. You may lose weight, but it will be because you are starving yourself.